How to ‘speak cat’
May 15, 2018Do cats really bond to their humans?
January 28, 2020Do cats like to be kissed?
It should probably come as no surprise that cats can be fickle about when, where and what type of affection they receive.
While some cats seem to like and lean into human kisses, others most certainly do not. Chances are, you know which side your cat falls on.
A cat’s like or dislike for affection may even change from day to day (or hour to hour.) The same cat that loves affection in the morning may swat or hiss at such attention in the evening.
They can be moody critters, but learning to speak their language can go a long way toward understanding them.
For starters, kitty kisses are much different from the kind we dole out as humans. Have you ever noticed that when your cat is relaxed and happy, he closes his eyes while looking at you? He’s actually sending you a kiss!
Cat behaviourist Jackson Galaxy explains that when cats close their eyes to you “they’re letting you know that they are vulnerable to you.” Now that’s love.
The bottom line is that when it comes to kisses, some cats like it and some simply don’t.
Get to know your cat and how she likes to show affection so that you can speak their language of love.