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Doorkins appeared at the doors of the Cathedral on a cold night in December 2008, searching, as so many stray cats are, for food, warmth, and refuge. Within a matter of days, she’d made herself firmly at home.
In September 2020, Doorkins passed away peacefully, but her legacy lives on; the power of her story was used to help other stray and homeless cats.
RELATED: Doorkins lived in the cathedral for 12 years!
In the summer of 2020, Hodge was rescued in South East London with a horrific growth on his face which his previous owners had neglected to seek veterinary treatment for.
Hodge was then surrendered into the care of a local charity and reveived the urgent treatment he needed. Luckly, there was no need for surgery to remove the growth and with proper care he soon made a full recovery.
“What greater gift than the love of a cat?” – Charles Dickens
Hodge was officially adopted by the Cathedral on December 6th, 2020 which in the Anglican tradition is considered the feast day of Saint Nicholas, a date for exchanging gifts.
Hodge’s lfe went from neglect and uncertainty to a life full of love and security, with the capacity to touch others, just as Doorkins did.
“We could not have found a more worthy feline to fit the privileged role of a service cat, or one as gentle to follow on Doorkins Magnificat’s paw prints.” Hodge’s rescuers said.
Hodge is now in good hands and everyone at the Cathedral will make sure he stays safe, healthy, and happy.
Although no cat will ever replace Doorkins Magnificat, through the adoption of another deserving cat like Hodge, her positive impact on the world will live on.
Source: The Southwark Cathedral UK