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December 3, 2022Kitten rescued from a moving pickup truck
After two days, 1,000 miles and countless meows, service technicians at a local auto dealership were able to free a tiny kitten trapped inside the dashboard of a pickup truck.
The kitten, which workers have named “Dash,” was first discovered when Stephen was driving back to his house.
He had rented the truck for a moving road trip to Indiana with his fiancée, Micaela and their baby.
On their way, they stopped at a supermarket to buy baby formula. As they returned to the vehicle, they heard a sound that was coming from the spare tire, hooked under the frame of the truck.
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Stephen managed to grasp the kitten, but it wiggled free and crawled up into the frame of the truck again.
They spent three hours in the parking lot in the middle of a thunderstorm trying to coax the kitten down.
Finally, he was able to get hold of it again and pull it free.
It sped off and hid underneath the propane tank cage outside the store before he managed to chase the kitten out and grab it again.
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“She was biting me and getting wiggly,” he said, as he brought her into the cab of the truck.
“She just slipped out from underneath my arm and ran right into the dashboard, like a mouse.”
He drove the truck home and brought his own cats into the garage, hoping they would meow and coax the kitten out before he had to leave early the next morning.
But when 3 a.m. came and it still had not emerged, Stephen was forced to head out on his trip to Indiana with the kitten in the dashboard.
He could hear the kitten’s meows, so he played YouTube videos of cat sounds in the hopes it would draw the little creature out but it did not work.
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With about five hours left to go, the kitten urinated, and the last leg of the journey was spent smelling cat pee through the vents!
Stephen was so worried for the kitten, he took the truck into a dealership on and asked technicians for help.
They began painstakingly pulling off pieces of the dash in search of the kitten.They had to pull slowly, as the kitten clawed at clusters of wires in the dash, but within moments, it was free.
The kitten was dehydrated, so Stephen and his fiancée planned to take Dash to an animal hospital near their home for a check-up.
Several of the workers at the dealership said they’d like to adopt Dash once the kitten is released from the animal hospital.