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March 13, 2016Mimi survived 6 days without her mama.
April 25, 2016Time off to mourn the loss of a pet
Losing a pet can be just as heartbreaking as losing a human loved one. Although not required by any laws, some businesses are offering workers pet bereavement days.
There are few life events that can be more traumatic than the death of a pet, even if you thought you had time to sufficiently prepare yourself for the loss.
RELATED: How long can you grieve the loss of a pet?
That is why an increasing number of companies have started to offer bereavement days for employees who have recently lost a four-legged companion.
Pet bereavement counselors have encouraged this decision, suggesting that both the employee and the business will benefit from it.
If people can’t function, they certainly can’t function at work, and they’re really not the person they were before so they need the time to get back to some sense of normality.
When someone experiences the loss of a pet, it isn’t uncommon for them to experience all five stages of grief — denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance — which will take longer than a few hours.
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If being allowed to take a day off from work to begin the grieving process without any additional office-related stress (including the fear of being absent), then we’re all for it.