Tips for working from home … with your cats!

The rise of more flexible work arrangements is nothing new, but it is a fact that COVID-19 has sped things up quite a bit. Working from home allows you to be more flexible and improves your work-life balance. It reduces the stress that comes with the time spent on an overcrowded metro or stuck in a traffic jam every day. However, working from home may present new challenges.
When your home suddenly becomes your workplace, it might be hard to concentrate on tasks or to figure out when to stop being available.
Here are some useful tips :
Put makeup on!
If you usually do your makeup and hair in the mornings before you go to work try to keep up this routine. The same goes for getting dressed. Some people could be accustomed to working the way they rolled out of bed, but many experts advise workers to at least wear something other than pajamas.
Peace and quiet
Having a closed-door really helps to block out noise from other people in the household. If you are living in a studio flat or have a smaller home, having an area designated as your office space can also help. This will make it easier to switch into, and out of, work mode.
Let’s take a break!
Being stuck at home all day means you are more likely to stay on your couch or sit in your chair all day; however, it’s important to regularly stand up and pace around. Take a short break to play with your cats and don’t forget to drink water!
Keep it tidy!
A cluttered space is a cluttered mind. Your efficiency and productivity are directly associated with the tidiness of your working space. Try to be as organized as you are at the office.
Establish boundaries
Set specific times for rest breaks, and keep them. When your workday is done, if you are not a doctor or a firefighter who has to be on-call 24/7, you should switch off your company mobile phone!
Cooking Meals
Preparing your meals ahead of time, especially the night before will save you from spending your precious lunch break cooking food.