5 ways to take great photos of your cat
April 18, 2023Top 10 FAQ about our photo contest
November 1, 2023How is our international wall calendar made?
LoveCATS’ International wall calendar is an exclusive product, unique and personalized, that you won’t be able to find anywhere else on the worldwide web.
Our calendars are made in collaboration with cat people from all over the world who have adorable kitties and great photography skills, and that’s what makes the final product so personal and unique.
In our eyes, all cats are beautiful so deciding which cat should win our photo competition is never an easy task.
Nevertheless, winning a spot in our calendar does not just depend on how beautiful your cat is.
Other parameters such as quality, creativity and originality play a very important part when it comes to selecting the winning entries that will make the calendar.
When we receive your entries, we run them through a special software that tell us whether they meet the requirements or not.
If the software finds issues with the resolution of the photo you submited, it won’t let us move forward so we will not be able to feature it on our calendar no matter how beautiful your kitty is!
Sometimes, if the photo submitted is truly artistic but the entry doesn’t meet the requirements, we email the participants and ask them to submit the same entry again in a higher resolution.
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As we approach the deadline date of our photo competition, we start preselecting photos that have been chosen, validated by our designers and confirmed by the software.
Every year, hundreds of cats from all over the world participate in our photo contest so after the first pre-selection round is done, we must narrow down the number of entries and pick the ones that will make the final cut.
We then check the emails that correspond to the photos chosen, and check the information (name, age, rescue story, etc.) as well as the owner’s authorization* to make use the photos submitted.
*Please note that if your email does not include the mandatory AUTHORIZATION STATEMENT that allows us to make use of your photo (s), they won’t be validated nor featured.
Once we have the final cut, the design process begins.
Some photos are perfect just the way they are but some need to be cropped or enhanced a little.
RELATED: 5 ways to take great photos of your cat
Once all the winning entries are uploaded onto the calendar making software, we add the information provided to each entry which makes the final product exclusive, personalized and unique.
Click here to visit our Calendar Hall of Fame.
Website admins and designers take a vote, then based on its size and quality, the most beautiful, creative and original entry makes the cover while the rest of winning entries make the calendar inside pages (12 months) in no specific order*.
*Sometimes, if feasible, your kitty could be featured on a specific month on request.(birthday or passing)
The wall calendar contains 1 cover and 12 inside pages, and each page layout may vary depending on the photo that it contains.
RELATED: Top 10 FAQ about our photo contest
The final product is then uploaded and sold through ZAZZLE’s platform, ready for online purchase. Worldwide shipping available.