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June 20, 2024Jinx and Duke were dumped on the side of a road
Jinx and her brother Duke were dumped in a road somewhere near Babette’s home; they were only 3 months old.
Babette saw how a car stopped right in front of her and dumped the two kittens out the door as she was turning the corner. She scooped them up right away and took them home.
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“The rest is history!” she said.
“Jinx became my shadow, she was always by my side, eating what I ate, loved McDonald’s fries. She actually had a very sweet tooth, just like her mom.” Babette recalls.
“Jinx was a biter, she would just bite me badly and out of the blue, not sure why but I loved her, so I endured it”, she added.
In 2020, right in the middle of COVID, Jinx got very ill and had to go to the vet many times but they couldn’t get her healthy.
Jinx’s mom had to admit her to the vet hospital on a Saturday afternoon. Once she passed Jinx through the security gate, she was asked to leave.
Jinx crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Sunday night so her mom never got the chance to say goodbye to her beloved fur baby, she was 10 years old.
“It still breaks me that I couldn’t say goodbye to my baby girl.” Jinx’s mom said.
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Ever since Jinx is gone, her brother Duke, who is turning 13 this year, has become his mom’s shadow.
“He has a heart murmur and is chunky… he’s my big boy” Babette says.
A year after Jinx’s passing, Babette rescued a ginger boy at her local mall called ‘Darras Shopping Center’ so she decided to name her new rescue after the place where she found him.
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“I know Jinx sent him to me, she knew my heart had healed and that I was ready to accept another kitty.” Babette said.
For years, Jinx and Duke were regulars in LoveCATS’ calendars, and this year, Darras was selected to be featured in the 2024 calendar (4th edition)
“I feel so proud Darras has kept the tradition going” his mom said.
Rescue story & images by Babette Visser
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