Hector was much more than just a train station cat
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April 13, 2023Owners want senior cat euthanized for peeing outside the litter box
Lulu’s former owners took her to a veterinarian to be put down just because she was not using her litterbox as she should.
Thankfully, after a quick checkup, the vet considered Lulu’s owners had no valid reasons to request euthanasia and offered them another “way out” …
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Despite being in her senior years and the fact that she was missing the litterbox, Lulu seemed otherwise healthy so the vet persuaded the owner to sign ownership of Lulu over to them.
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The reason for her not using the litter box was that she had urinary crystals. The issue was resolved with a simple diet change and she has not missed the litter box ever since.
“Lulu is sweet, stubborn, loving, and imperious all at the same time. She loves to be petted until she doesn’t. She loves catnip. She meows loudly and bats you with her paw if you don’t do what she wants but she knows her beautiful blue eyes will melt your heart.” they said.
The beautiful senior blue-point Himalayan cat arrived at a New York no-kill shelter a couple of months ago and now that she feels like a “healthy, happy lady” again, she is ready to find her forever home.
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Most of all, she needs to find a a loving and understanding family who won’t give up on her until they have explored every option to help her if something goes wrong.
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“If your pet is not behaving or their behavior has changed, the first step is to get them to a vet to see if something is medically wrong. Even if it is not a medical condition, there are numerous resources to help resolve the issue and avoid both euthanasia and surrender to a shelter ” her rescuers said.