New app could translate cat meows in real time.
September 5, 2022Brave cat ladies come to the rescue of 70 shelter cats in Ukraine
September 8, 2022The wedding of a cat lover’s dream
Canadian couple invite 1,000 guests to their wedding – and they’re all rescue cats!
1,000 guests is a pretty large amount for a wedding – think of how much all that salmon en croute would cost!
However, when the ceremony is held at a cat sanctuary, the buffet is cat food and all you have to worry about is whether you will get kitten hair on your wedding dress, it’s a more manageable number.
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The sanctuary is located in California and it’s the largest cage-free, no-kill haven for cats in the area, and this was the very first time a wedding was ever held there.
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“I feel in love with the work they are doing for the cats and the rescuing.” said the bride.
The married couple has been together for three years, and count a love of animals among their shared passions and values. so they requested donations be made to the sanctuary instead of wedding gifts.