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September 1, 2023Zebbie takes good care of his hearing impaired mom
Zebby has no formal hearing training, yet he helps 66-year-old mom around the home by tapping her when the phone rings or if he hears any strange noises, and by pacing in front of her if someone is at the door.
Every morning, this smart tuxie brings the post and slippers to his mom who says with Zebby around she doesn’t feel lonely and can’t imagine her life without him.
She added: “Without my hearing aid, I can’t hear anything, but now I have Zebby to help me. He’ll come and tap me when the phone is ringing, and then I can pop my hearing aid and speaker on and take the call.”
The bond between the Zebby and his mom is very close. “He loves to be around me – wherever I am, he’s not far behind,” she said.
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Dubbed a “hero” by his mom, Zebby beat thousands of other felines to receive a very prestigious award.
“I’m over the moon that he’s been honoured in the National Cat Awards. I am so proud of Zebby for showing the world how intuitive and caring cats can be, and what a positive effect they can have on people’s lives.” his mom said.
Cats Protection held the event in London, where Zebby won a trophy and a prize package including a £200 pet store voucher!
Zebby’s care of his owner set him apart from the rest. Event organizers said: “From the moment we read his entry form, we knew Zebby was something special.”
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Zebby is clearly devoted to his mom, and their story highlights the powerful bond that exists between people and their cats. He’s a shining example of the joy and comfort a cat can bring.”