Does your cat ‘slow blink’ at you?
July 25, 2016‘Free choice’ feeding, might not the best choice
July 31, 2016Look who’s talking too!
Although it can be tricky to communicate with a purring cat, animal behaviour experts claim they have ‘decoded’ up to 24 different meows.
Vet Gary Weitzman, the author of ‘How To Speak Cat’, said: Cats only vocalise to people. There are probably one to two dozen different vocalisations per cat that we would classify as “meow.”
However, you couldn’t get a Webster’s dictionary … and define those meows, because they’re individual for every single cat.’
Dr Weitzman also said cats use their meows to ‘train’ humans into fulfilling their every wish, with different meows to say ‘feed me’, ‘stroke me’ or ‘let me out’.
‘The difference between cats and dogs is that we can train both species but, for the most part, we train dogs to respond to what we want them to do.
‘Cats, on the other hand, actually train us to respond to what they want us to do.’