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November 21, 2022Luna survives coyote attack
Luna was let outside around 4 am along with two other cats in her household. When the two other cats returned, Luna was nowhere to be found.
Her owner went outside to look for her and saw a coyote on top of her. He was able to chase the coyote away and then brought Luna in for emergency care.
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Luna was in shock and semi-comatose when she arrived. She suffered head injuries with several lacerations, including to the eye, the eyelid and the neck.
There was concern that she might have severe brain damage but she was also in shock. Once she was recovered enough from the shock, she still had evidence of brain injury.
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She remained mentally dull (minimally-responsive), she could not stand, her head and face were swollen and she had a small puncture wound on the left side of her head.
The CT scan showed clearly that a tooth had punched through the bone of her skull and left several small fragments of bone pressing on her brain.
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Thankfully, she did not need surgery and her condition improved rapidly with no signs of local infection.
After monitoring her for 10 days she could go home despite still being a little unsteady on her feet.
She can eat and drink on her own and continues to improve daily.
Keep your cats safe!
There is no “safe” time of the year for cats to go outside to roam freely in an environment where they have to co-exist with coyotes.
Cats may easily fall prey to attacks when coyotes are hunting to feed their pups.
Image credits: Canada West Vets